Corredor Biológico en el Caribe
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15 years for a sustainable caribbean

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July 10, 2022

To all those who have being part of, supported and believed in the CBC


Ref: Celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the Caribbean Biological Corridor Initiative

On this occasion, we would like to share with you our contentment as we celebrate the 15 anniversary of the Santo Domingo Declaration that established the Caribbean Biological Corridor Initiative (CBC) as a regional cooperation instrument among Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, later joined by Puerto Rico and just recently by Jamaica. During these 15 years of joint work among ministries, focal points and partners, and with the support of UNEP and the European Union, we have achieved substantial accomplishments that we celebrate today.

The results have helped to raise awareness of the value of Caribbean biological diversity and to improve its condition. Direct impacts on biological diversity have been reduced, and information and knowledge exchange has been strengthened. To be able to deliver these outcomes, we have taken into consideration the challenges posed by climate change and the various national contexts, we have examined the needs for community development, and we have ensured coordination, integration, and cooperation among all main stakeholders.

Looking ahead, we are working on the implementation of CBC’s 2030 Strategic Plan, which sets ups priority actions, conservation objects, and work areas, aimed at the conservation and sustainable management of land and marine biodiversity resources within the scope of the Initiative. We continue to strive to ensure the financial sustainability of the Initiative through projects and building endowment funds, in order to guarantee the implementation of the set strategy and contribute to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework in CBC member countries.

CBC’s Executive Secretariat is proud of the joint achievements and reiterates its commitment to continue supporting regional articulation and build a network of conservation, partners, countries, information, biodiversity, and connectivity, leading to the sustainable future in the Caribbean. We invite you to join us in the coming 15 years.


Nicasio Viña Dávila

CBC Executive Secretary

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